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White Brick Wall

Goodreads offers good reads.

Lately, I've been spending a lot of time on Goodreads. Who ever thought that talking about books and reading about books that I want to eventually read could be so much fun? But I love it. I really do!

I now have a long list of books that I intend to someday read. Random people send me book recommendations! And do you know what else? I'm reading waaaaaaaaaaay more than I normally do!

I know, I know... One would expect me to be an avid reader--I totally get that--but the truth is: when I'm writing a book, I spend most of my free time writing that book. Reading the works of others generally gets pushed to the back burner.

Goodreads has me spending a ridiculous amount of time with Jamie and Claire Fraser, though. I find myself thinking about them all the time: while blanching tomatoes for homemade sauce, mowing the grass, going for an evening jog... whatever. The adventures had by that couple are about as exciting as they come, and I would be speaking (err... typing) a blatant lie if I claimed that Jamie were anything less than ideal. Perfect? No. But then, who is?

(For the record: Sebastian Porter will always be my favorite fictional man, but Jamie Fraser is certainly up there.)

Anyway, I've been reading like it was my job. I mean, I just finished Voyager and I'm already engrossed in Drums of Autumn. My BFF Kathy definitely deserves mad praise for introducing me to my first can't-keep-my-nose-out-a-book series since Harry Potter.

I suppose it is possible that my current status of reading-all-the-time also has something to do with the fact that my summer TV shows are over (goodbye Mistresses and Rookie Blue... it will be a bleak winter without you!) and the fall lineup won't air until next week, but the straight truth is this: I'm addicted to Goodreads and I'm addicted to Outlander and if you're not addicted to either one of those things yet, then maybe you need to be--because there are certainly worse addictions to have.


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