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White Brick Wall

Goodreads Giveaway

Ideas for future fictional works come pretty easily to me. Things to blog about do not.


I did want to make everyone aware of the fact that I'm running a giveaway on Goodreads, though. If you already have an account with Goodreads, then entering the contest is a no-brainer: Just follow THIS LINK to add your name to the hat.

If you haven't yet signed up with Goodreads, you might consider doing so for the following reasons:

  1. You can enter my giveaway and win a free copy of Just Whistle.

  2. You can enter other authors' giveaways and win free copies of their books.

  3. You can record, rate, and review what you've read.

  4. You can read reviews for things that you might like to eventually read.

  5. You can mark books as "to-read" so that you don't forget about intriguing titles.

  6. You can connect with readers all over the world!

  7. You can record the progress you're making in the books you're reading (which might make you read more... that's what happened to me).

I've actually met some pretty awesome readers through Goodreads. I have friends in Europe, Asia, South America, and Australia; I have connections with people all across the United States. I love seeing what they're reading, learning their thoughts about the literature that they choose, and voicing my own opinions. It's kind of like a Facebook... but for books more so than faces.

Anyway. Just spread the word about the contest, would you?



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