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White Brick Wall

Just in time for summer!

Here's some news: Like A Flip Turn, my first published novel (released originally as an ebook), will soon be available in paperback. Look for it in early June; I'll keep readers informed of an exact date via Facebook and Twitter.

The publication of Flip Turn has been a long time coming and the reason for that is due to the fact that Jenny Johnson, one of the narrators, has synesthesia. This means that she sees words in color. Since I chose to make some of those words visible to the reader, this also means that the full-color version of the novel is ridiculously expensive. Like, forty-three-dollars expensive. Sorry about that!

Fortunately, for those who couldn't care less about Jenny's synesthesia, I'm also releasing a standard black-and-white edition of Flip Turn. Although not as fun, it will be more reasonably priced (aka, actually affordable).

Like A Flip Turn has technically been available since 2014, but I'm excited for this new release because there are still quite a few people who haven't read it. I tweaked the plot a very tiny bit too. And made some corrections/improvements.

For those who read Just Whistle, experiencing Flip Turn should be sort of fun because there are recurring characters. Petey Goode will be there, as will a few other recognizable names... and then when my next one comes out (Kick It One More Time) it's seriously going to be like a big ol' reunion. Stay tuned!


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