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White Brick Wall

My first art show!

Last night was a big night! A big OPENING night... for my art show at the Garryowen Irish Pub in Gettysburg! I'm pretty exhausted from the experience, so this long-overdue update will be short and disjointed, but I did want to list the high points of the evening:

1. My dentist came to my show! And not only did my dentist come, but he brought his entire team of hygienists! Littlestown Dental Associates is a great place to get your teeth cleaned, so if you're in the market for a new dentist, you should check 'em out. They're always accepting new patients.

2. My friend Heather from Oregon came to my show! We only get to see one another every couple of years and her trip east just happened to coincide with my opening night!

3. My students showed up! Six former students and one current student! It was so fun to see them in a setting outside the classroom!

4. I sold 36 pieces of art! Five of those are commissions; the others were things that were just for sale.

5. My brother, The Pip, was there!

In the event that you missed my opening night, do not fret: the show will run through October, so you have plenty of time to stop in and look at my art. As I make new pieces, I will switch them out with things that are currently on the walls, so the decor will be constantly changing.


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