A Compliment from Buddy
Yesterday we did a book club for The One You're With at work and we were talking about locations in the setting that reminded readers of Gettysburg and Buddy was there and she told a story and essentially the story was this: Buddy has a favorite coffee shop that is called Three Arrows (there's a chance I might do a book-signing there!) and her parents went there and sent her a selfie with very demanding instructions to, "Guess where we are!"
Buddy's first guess was Three Arrows because it was the right answer, but her parents were drunk on caffeine and forgot where they were and said, "No! Guess again!" So then Buddy proceeded to send a bunch of guesses and she started to get confused about nonfictional v. fictional coffee shops in the area. So she was like, "Ragged Edge. Real or fictional? Bottomless Joe's. Real or fictional?" These are thoughts she had in her own complicated head (ie, the head that makes each recipe in a recipe book in order) and it was just confusing for her.
And that's the blog.
I mean, does the blog need to be more than that? Buddy can't keep fictional v. nonfictional coffee shops straight because I write them so vividly. UNDERSTANDABLY. This is one of the many reasons I love her. And it's (part of) the reason Kick It One More Time is dedicated to her. That Buddy is an absolute gem.