A Quick List of Good Things
It's late and I'm tired and I still have to finish proofing something for class tomorrow... but I thought I should write a quick update regarding all things art. Ready?
Heather and I hung our art at the Garryowen this evening. Just recently, my mom made the comment, "From now on, I think you and Heather should always do art shows together." And do you know what? She might be onto something. Once all the pieces were on the walls, Heather and I sat back and admired our work, realizing that our styles complement one another so well! The colors... the textures... the subjects...

This afternoon, I finished creating my (current) favorite piece of art ever. I'm calling it OctoPop Art and I'm selling it for much money because it took much time to create.

I also got new nail polish and painted my toes earlier today. Isn't this a great color scheme? It's kind of like visiting my home... only you're visiting my toes instead. But, I mean, everything in my home essentially consists of teal and grey and so my toes really match the ambience right now.

That's all for tonight. I've gotta hit the sack because this week is Teacher Appreciation Week and I get to wear jeans all week and maybe the kids will even be nice!