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White Brick Wall

A Review of the ThunderShirt

There was a time when I enjoyed thunderstorms and this time existed during the summer months spanning my (mostly) teenage years. Why, specifically, did I so enjoy thunderstorms from about the age of fifteen to twenty-one? Because I was a lifeguard. When it thundered, we got to clear the pool and experience an impromptu break. Thunderstorms to lifeguards are as snow days are to teachers: small, unexpected joys.

As I've gotten older, my appreciation for thunderstorms has dwindled. I also have very few positive things to say about fireworks. To this list, I will add that gunshots and cannonfire are equally obnoxious.

The reason for all this negativity surrounding loud sounds stems from my pup Augusta's fear of thunder, fireworks, guns, and cannons... and with that being said, I'll add that she's had a very rough Memorial Day weekend.

Fortunately, I purchased a ThunderShirt for my little Augie about a year ago and it has been one of the best investments I've made. I was skeptical, you know? One of my veterinarian friends mentioned that she's never had a client claim that the ThunderShirt impacted a dog's behavior during a storm, but I was desperate because when there are loud noises like thunder and fireworks, Augusta is beside herself with fear. She trembles so violently that it's hard to hold onto her; she appears, at times, to actually be having a seizure.

Last night, I was lying on the couch catching up on Criminal Minds: Evolution (there's going to be a new season starting in June!) and Augusta must have heard a rumble of thunder from way far off because I was completely baffled when she bolted awake, leaped from her chair to my chest, and began pawing frantically at my face and neck... before the storm had even offically arived! She wasn't aggressive or anything -- she was absolutely terrified.

I tried to hold her, but she was trembling so severely that my bearhug didn't offer much comfort, so I hurried into the kitchen to retrieve her ThunderShirt.

Now... I still don't fully understand how this article of clothing works -- and it honestly might've been manufactured at a shop in Diagon Alley or something because its power is legitimately magical -- but I put that shirt on Augusta and she settled right down. She continued to tremble, but the trembles were subdued, and she became relaxed enough to relocate from my chest to the other end of the couch, where she curled up behind my legs and panted until the storm passed. I took a quick video so you could witness her transformation. I think, though, that if you really pay attention, it's obvious that she's still shivering with fear:

Disregard the television in the background. Emily Prentiss was trying to catch a serial killer.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is my review of the ThunderShirt. In my experience, it's proven to be worth every penny, so if you've got a canine companion who is afraid of thunder, fireworks, and/or other loud noises, you might consider purchasing one of these magical shirts. I got Augusta's from Amazon.



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