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White Brick Wall

An Illusion Of Control

I am positively delighted to announce the release of my latest novel, An Illusion of Control. Officially, it came out yesterday, and for the first time ever, I feel like I've written something that actually has some momentum behind it! The experience is kind of neat, you know?

For those of you who are in the world of education -- whether that be as a teacher, administrator, student, or parent with a learner in the household -- this novel tackles some of the issues that our nation is currently seeing in regards to public schools and religious organizations that are attempting to push an agenda that perhaps isn't best for all of our kiddos. I wanted to write something that might make a difference. I wanted to write something that might encourage readers to consider both sides of the argument and really listen when someone with a different viewpoint expresses an opinion or belief.

I encourage you to share this book with your friends. Hitting especially close to home right now, Gettysburg, Upper Adams, Southwestern, and Bermudian (among others!) are faced with some rather sticky school board situations. Truthfully, An Illusion of Control would make for some excellent professional development opportunities. Much better than The Energy Bus, if I do say so myself. (If you know, you know... and I know so I can say that.)

In addition to an entertaining story with ample perspectives, excellent food descriptions, and a few laugh-out-loud moments, An Illusion of Control also comes equipped with a catchy soundtrack. I think that if you listen to the songs on this list, you'll intuit the theme of the novel. I hope you enjoy it.

Click on the image below to listen on Spotify!



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