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Back-to-Back Reads!

Yesterday, my marketing manager Mary and I met at Bantam Coffee Roasters to edit a novel called Time Jumps that I intend to release next year. Originally, I had Uptempo, Down slated for this particular time period... but I think Time Jumps is the way to go because there's a fun little tie-in with Kick It One More Time.


I got to Bantam a few minutes before Mary and walked in to claim a table. When I sat down, one of my favorite readers, Sarah, got my attention and said, "Hannah. When you say there's a new book coming out this summer... when this summer? Because I can't wait."

And do you know what I said? I said, "Oh! Today! Kick It One More Time is available today! I just got an email from Amazon saying it's published."

Sarah was pretty amped up! She told me that she'd recently taken Just Whistle and Running Through the Words to the beach with her and reread them, back-to-back, and loved them every bit as much as she did the first time through. (I asked her to write reviews online; those are the BEST reviews to get!) I assured her that Kick It would eventually be available at the coffee shop in the near future, but that it would probably be faster to get it from Amazon. If you're interested, here's the link: KICK IT ONE MORE TIME!!!

Of the things I've published so far, Kick It is probably my favorite. I love the characters, you know? And Kick It is the center of my Hannah Rae Literary Universe. Literally EVERYTHING else branches off of it -- including a Christmas novella that will be released this November. That one has MAJOR tie-ins to Kick It, Just Whistle, and Like A Flip Turn.

Speaking of Like A Flip Turn... the audiobook is amazing and if you haven't checked it out yet, you really should. Here's a link for that as well: LIKE A FLIP TURN!!!

Alright. I actually have several additional exciting things in the works right now, but I don't want to bombard you with exclamation points... so I'll space things out.

Oh, oh, oh! Want to know what else was great that happened yesterday? While Mary and I were editing Time Jumps, Steve came into Bantam to use the bathroom and get a cup of tea. When Mary and I are at Bantam, we are there for HOURS, and Steve stops in several times to rehydrate, catch up with Chad and Alex, and talk books with Mary and me. Yesterday, Steve was teasing us about needing to start paying rent to Alex and Chad. I pointed out that we had ordered three rounds of caffeine (actually, two: our third round of beverages consisted of peach smoothies 🍑) and the next thing we knew, we were being given a $10 gift card from Steve for next time! (Which coincidentally will be Friday... in case you're reading this, Steve!)

All in all, yesterday was pretty stellar. And tomorrow, if all things go according to play, Mary and I will finish working our way through Time Jumps, talk about some potential tweaks to the ending, and make the magic happen.



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