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White Brick Wall

Because I Can

I'm doing a thing today (Wednesday) simply because I can.

Wanna know what it is?

Okay. I'll tell you: I'm releasing two books on the same day. I know, I know... you're probably thinking, "Just who do you think you are right now, Hannah? Taylor Swift?!" But the answer is, "No, I do not think I am Taylor Swift," even though my friend Mary thinks that Taylor Swift and I have quite a lot in common. Perhaps once Mary finishes the very important (and timely) thing that she's currently working on, she'd be willing to write a short blog explaining why she thinks I'm like Taylor Swift. I'll ask her.

A box of books that arrived much earlier than expected.

Back to the novels I'm releasing... For the majority of the world, they won't be available until August 8, but for the part of the world that lives in or near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, both Dog-Eared Life and Come and Go So Quickly can be purchased at Bantam Coffee Roasters (82 Steinwehr Ave.) any time after 11:00AM (while supplies last, obviously).

If one looks at the Hannah Rae's Literary Universe timeline that appears on the final pages of most Hannah Rae novels, you will notice that Dog-Eared occurs BEFORE Come and Go.


If I may make a recommendation... I think the better order in which to read these novels is actually Come and Go AND THEN Dog-Eared. Just my two cents, but Mary agrees.



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