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White Brick Wall

Book Club

I belong to a book club that meets on the third Wednesday of every month. Someone volunteers to host and that person then gets to choose the book. Since it was my turn to host, I chose The Way Back, and since it was my book that was being discussed, we did a great job of staying on task! (This can sometimes be hard for us.)

I think my favorite part of the entire evening was the performance put on by Biz. I had initiated a challenge to bring a bottle of wine that somehow tied in with the book. Siri brought a bottle of Roaming Dog (in honor of Boris), and I purchased a pinot noir called Urgency (because Jonny was feeling a sense of urgency while searching for Piper), but Biz brought a whole bunch of bottles! A box of wine, in fact, which was really fun!

Never one to shy away from the spotlight, Biz put on a real show as she presented the various labels to us, allowing us to guess how each bottle related to the book. My favorite wine (and we drank this one last night) was called Cattoo. Lindsay actually chose that one, I believe, as it incorporated a cat (Wallace) and tattoos (Ansel).

After the highly-entertaining performance, folks talked about what they liked in the book. Kendall was unable to stay especially long (it was her boyfriend's birthday), but my second favorite part of the night was that she attended at all because she wanted to let me know how much she enjoyed The Way Back! I thought that was super sweet.

I had come up with ten discussion questions to help keep us on track, so when it comes time to release The Way Back somewhere down the road, I'll be all set with a list of questions to print in the back for book clubs. Ha! Maybe I should even make these available online now... in case there's a book club out there who's considering my book as a selection. Hmm...

Overall, last night was one of the best discussions we've had about a book. It probably has a lot to do with the fact that no one wanted to say anything overly critical (what with me being in attendance and all), but that's to be expected. I just thought it was incredibly sweet that EVERYONE showed up (I don't think we've ever had a book club where every member attended!) and talked about my book. It was very, very cool and I do love those ladies.



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