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White Brick Wall

Compliments from my Aunt Suzanne

I only have one aunt. She bounces back and forth between New Jersey and Florida (her tan is very impressive) and I very rarely see her, but over the past couple years, she and I have begun to communicate more than we ever have before. Part of the reasoning behind this, lately, has to do with my writing!

Suzanne is my dad's sister. A few weeks ago, I received a text from her letting me know that she was reading The Way Back and really enjoying it. I responded via a thread that included my dad, praising Aunt Suzanne for being the winningest of the siblings, seeing as my dad has had a copy of the hardback for MONTHS and has yet to make it past chapter six. [insert eyeroll here.]

Shortly after that exchange, Suzanne texted again to let me know she'd finished The Way Back (my dad had made zero progress, mind you) and said she really liked it. And then today I got this text:

Isn't that fun?

I haven't been monitoring the map as much as I used to -- mostly because I've been too busy writing and editing and monitoring book sales -- but I did check it out recently and noticed that Florida is more populated than it's ever been... so Aunt Suzanne is definitely doing her job as an aunt and supporting her niece!

Interestingly, in monitoring my book sales, I'm finding that Just Whistle is really gaining some readers. I don't know if this is because of the new cover, the sequel, or the book bloggers who have been reviewing it, but it sure is exciting to watch!



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