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Concert Edition Barbie

Homecoming is on Friday, so of course there's a spirit week leading up to the big game. Today's theme was Barbie and Ken. Now, I don't own a whole lot of pink, but I have enough to make do. I wore a pair of jeans I would typically never dream of wearing to school (my students loved them, of course), a pink tank top under a grey hoodie, hoop earrings, pink eyeshadow, pink flip-flops, and pink nail polish on my toes (which I woke up seven minutes early in order to paint). And then one of my freshmen loaned me a pair of pink heart-shaped glasses! An easy-peasy Concert Edition Barbie, right? I thought so.

So did my students! I was getting mad props regarding my outfit this morning. The girls were like, "Lookin' good, Ms. Meeson!" and "You really channeled your inner Barbie" and "Ms. Meeson! You went all out!"

There was one person who was unimpressed with my outfit and that was my coworker Landon. Landon said he expected me to go bigger than what I went. That I should have been decked out from head to toe in pink. 🙄

Mary said, "No. Hannah doesn't really get big into spirit weeks. This is huge for her."

Annie was like, "What?! This woman doesn't wear hoops! What are you talking about?! This woman doesn't wear eyeshadow! She got up early to paint her toenails!"

I said, "This criticism coming from the man who wore green on Barbie and Ken day. You're, like, Lame Edition Ken."

This earned quite a few laughs. More laughs than it was probably deserving, but it was one of those mornings when everyone was jolly because the students were festively pink and so the joke went over very well.

The joke also gave me an idea: To turn Landon's classroom door into a Ken box.

When I get an idea in my head, I generally make short work of it. Books are written in weeks or months, large canvasses are finished in days to a week... This particular creation took two periods and a bit of teamwork. The cutouts are all mine, but Mary helped with covering the door in pink paper, a couple students stood as lookouts in the hallway, and another student tore tape for us.

I have to give huge props to my principal too. I texted Beth toward the middle of second period to ask if she could get Landon out of his room for 15 minutes. She made it happen...

...and as soon as he left, Mary, Period Two, and I were in the hallway! The kids had no idea what was happening. One minute, we're talking about how Nathan, Gus, and Doyle are affected by the war in Ordinary Grace, the next minute we're pulling a prank. It was so fun! I was so hot afterward!

Here are some pictures of the final product:

Concert Edition Barbie, Dog Walker Barbie, and Lame Edition Ken



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