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Concert Shoes

I was going to come up with a catchier title for this blog, but in a world where so much energy is put into preserving quality literature and eliminating censorship, who has the vigor for that? Not me.

Not tonight, anyway.

Tonight, the thing we need to talk about is concert shoes... which is a blog I meant to write ages ago, but forgot to do.

On the night of my art show, which was way back in November, my concert husband Phil was wearing the BEST shoes! "Where did you get those shoes?" I demanded, noticing his fancy foot attire right away.

"Amazon," Phil told me, and then promptly sent the link.

I bought a pair later that night and now Phil and I wear them when we go to shows together. They are our show shoes, if you will; we recently wore them to see G. Love at Hamilton Live in Washington, DC. I didn't write a blog about it because I forgot.

Here's something you might not know: Phil and I like to wear matching outfits when we go to shows. Jeans and flannels, tank tops and flip-flops... racerback dresses. Nah, I'm kidding about that last one. I will sometimes wear one of my bathing suit dresses to a summertime show, but Phil never has. He usually just wears a tank to match my color scheme.

Anyway, Phil and I are going to be seeing Moon Hooch in April and there's a chance we'll be wearing our matching concert shoes. There's a better chance we'll be wearing flip-flops. It really depends on the weather.

Okay. That's the end of this blog. I'm too tired to trek back to my bedroom, put on my matching concert shoes, and take a picture, but here are some shots of Phil's feet:



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