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White Brick Wall

Do you have any friends in Hawaii?

The reason I ask is because I currently have zero readers in Hawaii and I'd like to secure one or two.

When I log onto my website and look at data, I can see a map of my readers. The screenshot I'm including is the "city map." It comes as no surprise that Pennsylvania has the most readers, but I will admit that it's been really fun to watch the little blue dots spread up and down the east coast! I have a high-school penpal who lives in Canada (I assume that blue dot is her) and my guess is that Pat and Kaila are promoting me in California. Heather is likely working on the Oregon crowd... but I have no idea how I acquired those dots in the middle of the country. Cait, possibly? She's the only one I can think of who might be reading my novella. It's so fun to wonder about, though!

Anyway, we can analyze the "country map" another time (I do have a reader in Prague and another in the U.K.). Today's goal is to secure a blue dot in Hawaii. Therefore, I'm asking that if you know someone who lives there, to please encourage him/her to check out The Way Back and, if he/she likes the story, to recommend it to a friend.

As I said, Hawaii's the main goal, but you can see there are quite a few other states without dots. Idaho, Montana, Louisiana, Arizona and New Mexico, both Dakotas and Maine... Alaska's dotless too! I just thought it might be a fun challenge to see if we could acquire a few more dots in the next two weeks, and I use the term "we" because I obviously need your help.

Assuming this mission is at least mildly successful, I'll post an updated "city map" on September 20th. If the results are disappointing, however, I'll likely be too ashamed to address the issue again... and will quietly sweep it under the rug.

If you live in a state lacking in dots, though -- or live in a state with many dots but still want to share The Way Back with your friends -- let me know and I'll hook you up with some business cards to pass around. You can send me a private message with your address via this website or Facebook or Instagram and I'll put them in the mail. I might even include some complementary stickers! One never does know...



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