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White Brick Wall

Ever heard of the Suitcase Junket?

I have fond memories of this impromptu concert I ended up attending in the basement coffee-shop-and-art-studio that is Waldo's. Had I ever heard of the Suitcase Junket before? Nope... but it was First Friday in Gettysburg and Jody, Pip, and I were out and about. We hit up Lark first, because it's pretty much my favorite store in town, and discovered some ridiculous coasters. See the photograph below:

From there, we ventured downstairs to Waldo's and learned that the Suitcase Junket would be performing momentarily. So we stayed and I think that's when Pip took this picture of the three of us (but it might've been taken when we were still upstairs in Lark; I'm not 100% sure):

None of us knew what to expect regarding the Suitcase Junket because I was not alone in never having heard of him. But do you know what? He was an experience! His real name is Matt Lorenz and he's essentially a one-man band who carries all of his instruments (or most of them, at least) in a single suitcase. He put on a really great show and we stayed for most of it. He mostly performs his own stuff, I think, but I feel like this video gives an accurate idea of what he's like to see in concert:

I learned just recently that Matt Lorenz's sister passed away not too long ago. I have no details regarding her loss, but I read that it was unexpected and I can only imagine how much he and his family are hurting. Losing a sibling is such a loss; not only are you losing someone you've spent your whole life loving, but you're also losing a shared history. I used to be able to call up Pip and ask him questions (regarding timelines of events or concerts that we'd seen together or absurd comments we witnessed our parents making), but I can't do that anymore.

What I can do is remember him, though. And I remember that after catching the Suitcase Junket at Waldo's, he and Jody and I walked over to One Lincoln and had dinner. And it was a fun night. A really fun night. But damn... I wish he and I had the opportunity to have more fun nights together and make more wonderful memories.



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