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White Brick Wall

Exsouptional Potato Soup Recipe

Remember when I mentioned the other week that I was going to my friend Biz's house for soup? Well, the soup was exsouptional and I made it (a variation of it, anyway; I don't generally follow directions all that directly) the following week. I shared a bowl of it with my coworker Sally and she was impressed. She also asked for the recipe. Rather than merely sharing it with her, I'm sharing it with ALL of you!

I don't measure things, and I live alone, so keep in mind that when I made this, I used enough potatoes to make approximately two nights' worth of dinners and two days' worth of lunches.

1 onion, diced

Minced garlic, and lots of it

Approximately 2 tablespoons butter

1 bag small creamer potatoes

Chicken broth (or another type of broth if that's what you prefer)



Turkey burger, browned

1 block cream cheese

Cheddar cheese, grated

First things first: Melt butter and sauté onion and garlic in it. I maybe added some salt and pepper at this point too... but that might've come later. I don't think it really matters.

Next, add the potatoes, cover them with broth, and cook them until they're soft.

Once the potatoes are soft, smash them... but don't mash them. Hear what I'm saying?

Stir in some already-cooked turkey burger and plop the brick of cream cheese on top. Let this melt, then stir it so the soup becomes creamy.

Top with cheddar cheese.

That's it. You're welcome.



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