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White Brick Wall

Friday's Book-Signing

I had a book-signing at Bantam Coffee Roasters on Friday night and nearly sold out of books! The turnout was way bigger than I was expecting and so many of my students showed up to support me! It was astounding! I'm still so astounded!

Percy played his clarinet in front of the coffee shop to help promote the indoor event. He propped a copy of The One You're With in his case and collected quite an impressive amount of tips while his teachers sat inside, toasty and warm, sending him Gray Ghost* hot chocolates to periodically thaw his fingers.

Haha was there as well and do you know what she brought with her? An entire bag of books for me to sign! I think Haha is my youngest fan... and possibly also my biggest fan! She had her family in tow and they were lovely.

Members from our school's NaNoWriMo club made appearances, along with kiddos from my classes and kiddos I taught in the past. It was just really something, you know?

Kathy stopped in very briefly since the latest novella is, after all, dedicated to her!

All in all, it was a really great night and I was very tired the next day. Not too tired to avoid art-making, though... which there will likely be a post about later this week!

*Coincidentally, The Gray Ghost is a book by Seckatary Hawkins and is referenced in To Kill A Mockingbird and is pretty much the reason why the whole story even occurs. And Percy loves To Kill A Mockingbird almost as much as I do and wrote a killer paper about it that earned him a 100%.



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