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White Brick Wall

Fun with the Parents

Very much like Lorelai Gilmore, I tend to frequent my parents' house on Friday nights. The difference is that Friday dinners aren't an obligation. I mean, I don't have a child who requires money for private school; I actually choose to spend time with my folks.

This past Friday, I was once again at my parents' house, and this time we played a great musical game that I made up. You see, I have a new phone that now holds a charge for a very long time (this is another story entirely; it involves poking fun at my dad) and so I am able to once again play music for more than, like, twenty minutes. I was playing music for my parents that night. I found a list of 100 songs from the 1960s and would play the beginnings of the songs (just the ones I knew, which is an impressive amount really) to see who could recognize each artist faster: my mom or my dad. Overwhelmingly, my mom knew her shit... which was actually a bit surprising since my dad used to be a disc jockey. But whatever. I just expected him to know/remember more than he did, I guess.

Eventually, my dad grew bored with the game and disappeared to the back room so he could watch NCIS and eat ice cream. My mom and I kept playing, but I switched up the game a smidge since we'd lost her "competition." Instead of the '60s, we ventured into the '90s, and what I learned is this: the '90s is not a decade with which my mom is very familiar. She recognized very few artists. She was able to identify some songs... but usually not the artists. I think we may continue to work on this in the weeks to come.

Anyway, that was my Friday night and it was fun.



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