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Hannah Rae on the Big Screen?

Maybe someday, but today I went to the Community Media studio in New Oxford and was interviewed for the small screen! It was suprisingly fun and will air at some point in December. I'll let you know when as soon as I find out.

Anyway, Amy Ann (she works there) asked if I'd be interested in being one of the interviews she was planning to conduct and I jumped at the opportunity. Why not, right? Maybe I'll sell another couple of books or attract some new fans of my art. It certainly can't hurt to talk about my process and how much Gettysburg has impacted my writing.

Amy Ann asked about both my writing and my art, but she also wanted to know about my teaching. She was at my book signing at Bantam and was quite surprised (and pleased) by the number of students who came out to show their support. I obviously couldn't use their names in the interview, but I talked about how much it meant to see them at my event and how I think it's important to include them in things like book signings and art shows. After all, if my ultimate goal is to eventually secure a book deal, isn't it a good idea to let them see the efforts that go into achieving such a thing? If (when) it finally happens, it may end up looking like it's happened overnight... but such will not be the case.

The bottomline is this: this afternoon was really fun and now I have a new experience under my belt!



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