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White Brick Wall

I Finished Writing My Book Today

For those of you who are like, "I wish The Way Back was tied up into a neat little bow," you should be aware that I don't generally do that. I mean, I'm not opposed to happy endings... but sometimes an ending also needs to be open-ended. And The Way Back's ending is one of those endings because a few of the characters found in its pages are found among the pages of the novel I just finished writing today. Yay!

Uptempo, Down takes place seven years after The Way Back and while none of the major characters in The Way Back are major characters in Uptempo, Down, several of them are minor characters. And what's cool is that a lot of the minor characters in The Way Back are major characters in Uptempo, Down! How fun, right?!

Speaking of my books...

I got three really solid reviews on Instagram today too. Two were for The Way Back and one was for Just Whistle.

In other news... I'm beginning to think that Facebook is broken. I'll post something on my page and literally ONE person will like it. And no one will comment. What's up with that?

That's all I have to say at the moment. I'm going to drink a glass of wine and celebrate the completion of Uptempo, Down and maybe start working on a Christmas novella that I'm hoping to release next November. Byeeeeee!



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