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White Brick Wall

I got a really nice card in the mail!

My mom recently gifted her friend Dawn a copy of my novel The Way Back and Dawn wasted very little time in reading it. The other day, I checked the mail and saw I had received a note from her.

Spoiler Alert: Her message does contain a comment about the book's ending, so if you haven't finished reading The Way Back yet, maybe you shouldn't read what Dawn sent to me.

Isn't that the nicest?! I love receiving feedback regarding my novels -- especially when it's positive! That's not to say I can't learn and improve from some constructive criticism, though! I appreciate that too (most of the time).

One of my students, whom I shall call Unique Spelling, is actually reading Just Whistle and she made it through a bunch of pages this past weekend. On Monday, Unique Spelling came into class and told me that she's really enjoying the novel, and that so much of what Charley says and does reminds her of me. I was flattered, of course, because I adore Charley! I also think almost every single one of my characters (with the exception of two: one in Just Whistle and one in Running Through the Words) has a lot in common with me... because, you know, I wrote them.

It does seem to be Charley and Jenny whom most folks tend to associate with me. I don't know that I feel like I connect to those two characters the most -- there are definitely some others I feel I have more in common with, both thought- and personality-wise -- but it's always fun to hear what readers think!

I can't wait to learn what Unique Spelling thinks of the end of the novel!



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