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White Brick Wall

I love my characters

This is going to be a really short blog because I'm writing the end of a novel that I've been wanting to write for a while now and everything is coming together and I'm honestly really impressed with myself regarding how cohesive this storyline is and how many other storylines come into play... but I digress.

What needs to be said is this: I love my characters. And sometimes, no matter how well I already know my characters and how much I love them, something will happen in a novel that literally brings me to tears.

That just happened.

This novel obviously hasn't been edited. Hell, it's not even finished yet. But I love it. And the above lines are why I'm viewing the world through a puddle right now.

I won't tell you who this is in reference to -- I don't want to give anything away -- but you should know that it's good. This one is really, really good.



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