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I might need to head north...

I checked the map the other day and noticed that Burlington, VT, and Boston, MA, seem to be engaging more and more with my website. The blue dots are multiplying! Granted, I've still got a long way to go before I have a truly respectable following, but it is rewarding to see that my efforts might be paying off.

I sent a free copy of The Way Back to Fletcher Free Library (isn't that a nice name?) in Burlington. I'm now wondering if they might have put my book on their shelves, or distributed my business cards to some of their patrons. It seems that they must be doing something because I have gained followers!

Burlington is where Phish is from, and Phish is one of the bands on my novella's playlist. Interestingly, I only started listening to Phish about a year and a half ago. Ever since I discovered Reel Big Fish back in the nineties, folks have confused my love of the Southern California ska band with the New England jam band, and so after correcting people for multiple decades, I finally decided to give Phish a listen. Turns out, I love them too! So that's how Phish ended up being mentioned in The Way Back, and it's also how my book made its way to Vermont. And it might be the reason behind the multiplication of blue dots in Burlington.

As for Boston... I don't know what's happening there! It's true that I have a couple friends in that area, so maybe they're spreading the word regarding my book and my blogs? I just don't know... I mean, I love The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, and they're from Boston, but they're not on The Way Back's playlist so I didn't send a free book to one of the Boston libraries. It's a mystery for now, I suppose.

If you're a reader from Burlington or Boston and you're reading this blog, shoot me an email and let me know how you found out about my writing. I'd love to hear from you!



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