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White Brick Wall

I went on a Santa Pub Crawl

I like pub crawls just fine, but not when everyone is invited. Like, I did a pub crawl for my birthday last year and just invited my friends and that was really a lot of fun because the bars weren't busy and we were able to get food and drinks whenever we needed to.

Last night I participated in Gettysburg's annual Santa Pub Crawl and it was fun, but very crowded. This is what transpired:

First we went to The Reliance Mine. It was very, very crowded but I saw some good outfits. There were women dressed as reindeer and men dressed as Santa and lots of people wearing ugly Christmas sweaters.

From there we went to O'Rorke's, but the line was out the door. So instead we walked over to Fourscore (#trivia) and had a drink there. I passed out some business cards, which was fun, and met the grandparents of a former student. I think the grandmother is going to check out my book, and she promised to tell her granddaughter about The Way Back. Maddy's grandpa isn't a reader and says he probably won't read it, but I assured him it was written for non-readers and busy people alike!

After that we tried to go back to O'Rorke's because some of us were hungry. However, our other friends had by that point left O'Rorke's and walked all the way to the center of town... so that's where we went.

Blue and Gray was impossibly crowded, so I suggested we walk down to Garryowen, which is my favorite spot in Gettysburg for foods and alcohol and music and other things. I just like it there. I ordered mozzarella sticks and ate all six of them, not sharing a single one. (I did offer one to Alex, but she said she'd only take one if I wasn't going to eat it... and I was definitely going to eat it.)

After that, I walked home and drank chocolate-mint tea while I wrote my book. I had stopped at a very exciting point and desperately wanted to get back to it, so I bailed on the pub crawl (I almost didn't go at all!) and was home by 8:30. Then I stayed up 'til 1:00AM writing. Ha! I probably sound like a lame-o and I love it!

Here's a picture from the night, just to prove I wasn't lame for at least a two-hour stint:



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