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White Brick Wall

I Wrote A Book Really Fast

I think that if I didn't have to work a real job to pay my real bills, I'd be a prolific writer like Stephen King. Because once I get an idea and the characters tell me to write, I write.

Generally speaking, July is my month of wordage... and this July didn't disappoint. I had an idea for a book and I decided to start writing it on July 3rd.

I finished it on July 14th.

That's pretty fast! I actually think it's my fastest book yet... and it's also surprisingly good. Mary and Kathy T. read it while I wrote it, which was a super fun thing to experience. I mean, at any given moment, there might be a reader in my document while I was writing it! So fun.


I think the future is going to hold a lot of fun surprises and not to give anything away, but this novel is going to be one of the surprises. It's probably the most poignant thing I've ever written. It'll definitely make you think.

I need to get back to doing important things. But here is a picture of the first page (as it is now, before editing) of my new novel:

Oops! I cut you off in the middle of a sentence... because I'm a little shit. #sorrynotsorry



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