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White Brick Wall

It's the little things in life

This morning, I logged onto my Kindle Direct Publishing dashboard and looked to see how many people were currently reading pages of my books. (All of my titles are available via Kindle Unlimited and can be read for free on a tablet, phone, or computer, fyi.) Anyway... I've had a few people reading The Way Back this way, but for the first time EVER, today there are THREE titles being read!


I was floored! Guys, this is so exciting for me! I mean, in the past, there's been no one reading my books!

So while my marketing manager Mary and I were waiting in line for coffee at Bantam Coffee Roasters, I showed her what it looked like on my phone and she said, in classic Mary fashion, "It's happening!"

Every time I get a new review on Instagram, Goodreads, or Amazon, Mary says, "It's happening!" and I love that! It makes me feel accomplished, you know? And hopeful. Like, okay... I'm writing and people are reading what I'm writing and, for the most part, people like what I write! That's just a very, very cool thing to experience.

Here's some other exciting news: I've been writing a lot lately, and while I have quite a bit of editing left to do, I think it's safe to say that I'm producing manuscripts faster than my friends are able to read them. That means...

...wait for it...

...there are new booksssssss coming next year! In 2023! (Notice my use of several S's? That's to emphasize the plural -- but I'm not gonna tell you how many bookssssss just yet.)

Okay. That's all my news for today. I have books to write, dogs to walk, a house to clean, and trivia to dominate. Later!



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