Many Good Things
Even though today was a Monday and it was hard to get out of bed, several good things happened. Here they are in chronological order:

While hanging out with my third-period freshmen, my friend and coworker Kathy came into my room and delivered two cans of Trader Joe's chickpeas. This occurred because my other other mother Theresa purchased some of these chickpeas for me several months ago (her daughter Kathryn introduced her to them) and I fell in love with them and now she buys them for me every time she goes to Trader Joe's. So when my marketing manager Mary and I were at Bantam Coffee Roasters this weekend, brainstorming on how to get famous while actually getting caffeinated, Kathy stopped in with her adorable dog Maize and told us that she was going to Trader Joe's later that day. I told her that she absolutely needed to get some of the parsley and cumin chickpeas, and said that she should feel free to pick some up for me as well, AND SHE DID! I was so excited that I gave her a hug and then skipped across the room to answer a student's question.

Later, I went to the chiropractor to get cracked and when I walked in, the receptionist said she had a question for me. "We had a cancellation," she said, "and wondered if you'd like to have a thirty-minute massage after your appointment." I was like, "Today?" And she said, "Yes." And I said, "Absolutely!" Because my lower back has been bothering me so much lately and even though the chiropractor helps a little bit, it's the massage that helps the most. So I hung out with Jess (that's who gives me my massages; she's excellent) and we talked about books and it turns out she's read all of mine! And really enjoyed them! How fun is that?!
When I left the chiropractor's office, I realized I had a text from my other mother Amy and it was a picture of her husband Steve reading The Way Back in Florida. That made me really happy, of course, and boosted my mood even more!
Then I came home and retrieved the proof of Running Through the Words from my front stoop, where it had been delivered earlier today. The cover is beautiful and the book is very big and I'm not posting a picture of it because I want the artwork to be a surprise in the months to come.
And then I drove to Hanover and got some really great paper from Hobby Lobby (it was 40% off!) before meeting my buddy Nicoleo for dinner at Olive Garden!
All in all, a pretty good day... but I'm tired now and want to listen to this book that my mom recommended. I'll maybe write a blog about it when I'm finished because it's pretty interesting.