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White Brick Wall

Merry Christmas to Me!

Even though I like my eye doctor very much, the eye doctor is my least favorite doctor to visit. I don't enjoy having air puffed into my eyes... or being nearly blind while I walk around the office without my contacts. In addition to all this, reading the bottom line of the eye chart gives me anxiety: I worry I'm going to get a letter wrong!

Don't get me started on pupil dilation... but even more than that, why does my insurance only cover an exam every other year? That, in my opinion, is complete and utter bullshit. But who am I, right? Just a lady with eyes. So what do I possibly know about how they function?


Despite all these negatives, there is one truly positive thing that occurs each year when I go to the eye doctor, and that is the $150 rebate I get when I purchase a year's worth of contacts.

The rebate arrives on one of those gift cards that can be used anywhere. I don't like having to keep track of how much I've spent, since the balance will eventually run out, so I tend to spend my money all in one place: the wine store!

I went to the wine store today and boy did I have fun! Check out my haul:

That Chalkboard Cabernet Sauvignon? It's a Chairman's Choice selling for $8.99, but it tastes like it costs about $15.99. For my Gettysburg shoppers: bottom shelf on the wall.

Layer Cake Creamy Chardonnay was on the clearance rack and yours truly got the last two bottles. (Don't worry, Mom: one's already in the fridge and I'll be bringing it on Friday!)

Mad Fish Shiraz is one I've never tried before, but I wanted the label for my collection and I like the words "Mad" and "Fish." Everything about this label works for me.

I tend to really enjoy Freakshow wines and had never seen the Chardonnay before. Therefore, I had to get it. Here's hoping it's tasty! At the very least, it has a screw top... and I love me a bottle of wine that doesn't require a corkscrew.



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