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White Brick Wall

Merry Christmas to Meeeee!

Remember Cassandra Alling who narrated Like A Flip Turn and just recently also narrated The One You're With? Well... she has a friend named Jess who listened to Like A Flip Turn and finished it this morning and this is the message that was waiting in my inbox when I woke up:

Needless to say, that made me feel pretty good!

I sent a screenshot of Jess's review to my friends Mary and James, and in the messages that I wrote to both of them, I said, "It makes me feel like a real author! I wrote something that is worthy of competing with her top favorite books!" To which both Mary and James responded, "Hannah, you are a real author!"

(Here's a funny aside: Mary and James don't know each other at all and have never corresponded with one another directly, but because I am friends with both of them, they are gradually becoming friends. It's a good premise for a book, isn't it? Maybe I should write that...)

Anyway, Jess later tagged me in an Instagram post when she officially reviewed my book and this is what she said:

She's going to give The One You're With a listen as well. My fingers are crossed that she enjoys that one too!

It's been a pretty solid Christmas Eve so far and I have to say that this audiobook stuff has been so much fun! The Way Back and Kick It One More Time are still in the works, but I imagine they'll be available in early 2024. Isn't it exciting?! It just makes me want to write, you know?



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