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Multi-Tasking with Chad!

My marketing manager Mary and I got caffeinated at Eighty-Two (soon to be Bantam Coffee Roasters) today! While there, we had deep talks with Chad, one of the owners, about my upcoming book signing that will take place at my favorite coffee shop. (Details to come!)

Anyway... Chad is a man of many talents: he roasts coffee, he brews a damn good latte, he tells an amusing story, and he reads while roasting coffee. Check out the selfie he took:

Chad wasted little time in then hopping on Instagram (with a little help from Alex) and posting his #thewaybackselfie. Once you get your copy of The Way Back, you should post yourself with the novel as well. Here's what you have to do:

  1. Take a selfie with The Way Back.

  2. Visit your social media page of choice. (I'm a big fan of Instagram.)

  3. Post your selfie. (Ideally, you should do this as an actual POST and not your story because the story then disappears.)

  4. Include #thewaybackselfie in your caption.

  5. Tag me by employing the @ and then typing "heyheyhannahrae" -- I'll pop up.

  6. Tag Reese's Book Club by once again using the @ and then typing "reesesbookclub."

  7. Publish your selfie!

Easy, right? I'm gonna be watching for those selfies, friends! Keep 'em coming!



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