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White Brick Wall

My First Fan Art

Remember my student Poseidon Jr. from last year? I love that kid. And Poseidon Jr. did a cool thing: he created some fan art to depict my favorite character of all time, Sebastian Porter.

I think (but am not certain) that Poseidon Jr. has only read The Way Back, but interestingly, his favorite two characters were my favorite two characters: Kai and Bas. Both are minor, sure... but they sure are great!

Side note: I'm currently writing a novel in my head in which both Kai and Bas (along with some other characters from Time Jumps, which is not yet released) are the main characters. Isn't that fun? It really is; I know.

Anyway... back to Poseidon Jr.

Last year, Poseidon Jr. asked me to pick out a color palette for Sebastian, which was both easy and insanely fun. After this, Poseidon Jr. got to work. Below are the works-in-progress and the final piece:

While this is maybe not quite as I imagine Sebastian to look... it's so cool to have my first fan art created by someone who really enjoys Bas's personality and artistry! And this is one of the MANY reasons I so adore Poseidon Jr.



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