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My Friend Annie

One of my very best friends in the whole wide world is named Annie and she says some really funny things... which is what today's blog is about. Here are three of my favorite Annie sayings:

September 2, 2022

On this day, while eating lunch at school, Annie and Mary and I were talking about Mela. If you've not been there and you live in the Gettysburg area, you REALLY must go because the food is phenomenal. I highly recommend the brussels sprouts if they're on the menu, the fried artichoke hearts, and the vegetarian smashburger. Yum!

Mela's wings are really delicious too, and I believe we were talking about Mela's wings because I commented on how Josh Fidler (that's the owner of Mela; we graduated from high school together) does something magical to his blue cheese because it's the best blue cheese around. Annie said, "Their blue cheese is obviously homemade. I could just roll around in it and play in it all day."

I love that quote so much that I actually used it in a book. I forget which one... but I think it might be Come and Go So Quickly. I do remember that I gave the quote to Lucy, but in reality, Annie said it. And isn't it such a wonderful quote? What a way to describe blue cheese!

November 22, 2022

Sometimes teaching is hard.

Sometimes, right before holiday breaks, teachers talk a lot about drinking. This past Thanksgiving was no exception and as Annie, Mary, and I discussed plans for our upcoming time away from school, we learned that Annie would be trying a new recipe. I forget exactly what it was, but it involved wine and vodka and maybe something fruity... and sparkling water, I believe. I vaguely remember it being a bubbly beverage. Anyway, in gearing up for the end of the day and going home to pour drinks, I believe the conversation went something like this:

Me: I'm definitely drinking wine tonight.

Mary: Me too.

Annie: I'm gonna put vodka in my wine.

That's a great quote, is it not? I love that lady so much!

Date Unknown

Last but not least... here's my favorite Annie saying:

I have a buddy who's real name is Nicole, but I call her Buddy and she calls me Buddy and it's really a wonderful thing that we do. Buddy is unique in a whole lot of ways, but one thing she does is make recipes in the order in which they appear in her cookbooks. And then, even if she LOVES the recipe and thinks it's the greatest thing ever, she can NEVER make it again. She once baked these delicious chocolate cookies and I asked if she'd make them again for my birthday some year and she said "No." Then I asked if she'd bake them again if I was dying and it was the only thing in the world that could save me and she said "No." But... we remain friends despite this.

Side note about Buddy: If you've ever read Like A Flip Turn (by me!) and met Axa Montague, she is based on Buddy.

Back to my story, though...

Buddy once made this chipped beef dip (I think that's what it was; I didn't eat any because I don't eat red meat) and Annie ate some and ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT. And then, to emphasize how much she loved it, Annie said, "Oh my gosh... I just want to rub it all over my thighs!" It is, hands down, the greatest thing Annie has ever said and as I type this now, years and years after the fact, I am laughing out loud!

Buddy, if you are reading this, maybe you could find that recipe and I could post it as a blog entry because now the people are undoubtedly going to want to know what a thigh-spreadable dip tastes like!



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