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My Students are Hilarious!

Yesterday I told my fifth-period kiddos that I went shopping at Marshall's on Tuesday and purchased two new sweaters and a flannel. I wore one of the sweaters yesterday (it was red) but told them that I would be wearing the green one on Thursday because it's a good color for me and it makes my eyes pop. Then I told them that they should all compliment me and tell me that I have beautiful eyes.

(See what I mean? It's a good color for me, yeah?)

Today, having forgotten about this conversation, I was pleasantly surprised when my students started trickling into my room and praised my eyes:

"Wow, that sweater really makes your eyes pop!"

"Your eyes look soooooo green today!"

"I can't get over how green your eyes look right now! What a great color for you!"

There are about twenty kids in that class and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM complimented my eyes! It was amazing! I loved it so much! I felt like a million (very green) bucks!

Now I need to prepare some more for my big art show. Maybe I'll see you later at the Garryowen if you swing by between 6-9PM!



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