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White Brick Wall

Now it's lonely in my head...

Inevitably, shortly after the high of finishing a novel comes the low that follows... and now it's lonely in my head. Do you know what I did yesterday? Worked out. Cleaned. Read. Watched a movie. Watched another movie. Took a nap. Went to the grocery store.

I did not write.

I did not write because the characters are all just, like, asleep in my head. It's so bizarre because Sebastian is almost always doing something, but yesterday he was essentially doing the same things I was doing: mundane life happenings. I could visualize him in his kitchen, making dinner with random ingredients found in his refrigerator and cupboards, but it was just a stand-alone story that will probably never make it into a novel.

I've also got these three ladies who have started to materialize in my head, and two of them have names but one of them still doesn't, and even though I know where they live and that they're (probably) sisters, I don't know enough about them yet to start writing their story. So in the days to come, I will probably return to a Halloween novel that I started writing for NaNoWriMo but put aside once December 1st rolled around.

That's essentially all I have to share with you today. That and I'm pulling a Sebastian and making up a recipe with things I have in my own refrigerator. We'll see how this turns out. So far I've got some chicken thighs, onion, and garlic simmering on the stove in half a container of Greek yogurt, a splash of half-and-half, and a tiny amount of leftover yellow spaghetti sauce. There's also a lot of garlic salt and parsley in the mix. I measured nothing and have no idea what it'll taste like, so fingers crossed.

(This is me with a sad, and therefore lonely, head.)



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