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Pareidolia is when a person sees something significant (like faces) in inanimate objects. Pip used to do this all the time, and while I sometimes do it, spotting a pair of eyes hidden in an apple or a smile on a birdhouse isn't necessarily a phenomenon I experience daily. However... I did experience it the other day when I went to a party on 12/30.

I was at Christine's house with Rob and Lisa and Buddy. As my student Horseman would say, I needed to see a man about a horse, and since I had my phone in the pocket of my hoodie, I took a photograph of the creepy face eyeing me as I peed:

Until last night, I forgot about the picture on my phone, but for whatever reason, when Darren texted me to ask why I hadn't mentioned to my students that he gave me pickles* for Christmas, I was reminded of this photograph on my phone. So I sent it to him. Darren, however, did not immediately spy the face. Here is our exchange:

As for the pickles... They are dill, and thus equal parts dillightful and dillicious!



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