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Quick Request

Sales for The Way Back have proven a pleasant surprise and I'm having so much fun with the selfies people are posting on Facebook and Instagram. #thewaybackselfie for the win! Here's a request, though: When you finish the novel, could you post a review on Amazon or Goodreads? (Or both, really, if you're so inclined!)

I'm not asking for five-star reviews. If you think the book is only worthy of two or three stars, go ahead and give it the score you think it deserves. I figure that'll just make the reviews look more authentic. (One must always try to look on the bright side, eh?) Here's the real bright side, though: I've gotten a couple five-star reviews on Goodreads from folks I don't know at all... which really reinforces to me that I can write.

I do think reviews help, though. That's what I've read anyway. If people see that other people have read the book, then they are more inclined to read the book. So... that is my quick request.

Thanks, friends! You guys are swell!



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