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White Brick Wall

Reel Big Freakin' Deal

There will eventually be a post about how amazing last night's book club was (probably at some point on Saturday), but what we need to focus on at the moment is this picture:

Who is that, you ask? Well... let me tell you. That's Aaron Barrett (my favorite rockstar ever) holding MY book and standing in front of MY art that is currently hanging on HIS wall.

Let's take a moment to just process this, shall we?











Okay. I can talk about it now. I just get so excited, you know? Life is sometimes very, very cool.

So yesterday at 5:36PM, I received a message via Instagram from Crysta. That's Aaron Barrett's wife and she is ABSOLUTELY LOVELY. She has a pet lizard and takes care of monarch butterflies and eats good food and is just a beautiful person -- both inside and out. I've never met her, but I'd like to someday meet her because she seems like a genuinely kind human.

Anyway, Crysta sent me a message at 5:36PM yesterday to let me know that she and Aaron finally made it downtown to the PO Box and retrieved the package I sent. Here's my favorite quote from our correspondence: "Aaron liked the art so much that it made its way on our wall under his gold record!" Neat, right? I know.

The reason I sent a copy of the book is because Aaron Barrett is actually IN Kick It One More Time. Like me, Magnolia Fitzpatrick loves Reel Big Fish more than any other band, and also like me, she gets to meet them after the show:

I was so glad that my book clubbers showed up 24 minutes after receiving that message from Crysta because I was legitimately in need of sharing the news with someone and they were the exact right people with whom to celebrate. I mean, Phil was there and he's my concert husband! We opened champagne.

Alright. You should continue to be thrilled that this has happened for me because I can think of very few things that would be cooler, and I will continue to be thrilled for me as well... but I'll do it while playing trivia, which is where I'm off to now.



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