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So mulch to do, so little time...

Because I'm a teacher, the second half of that title isn't entirely accurate. I have a lot of time at the moment, I'm just busy filling it with many different things: editing, writing, making art, gardening, cleaning... Today, I mulched.

This will be a short recounting of the experience because I am exhausted and I need to leave soon to pick up food from Food 101 to take to Kathy's house (we are each getting a tuna burger, rare, with truffle fries in case you were wondering) and I still have to feed my animals and corral Arlo.

Today I had TEN YARDS OF MULCH delivered to my house.

Ten yards is a lot of mulch. Even the guy who delivered it said, "You got a lot of mulch."

I had to get so much mulch, though, because I didn't mulch at all last year and I'm putting it on extra thick this year. Plus, I'm expanding this one spot in the back of my yard and planting more hostas there and that requires more mulch than usual.

So the nice guy from Nolt's delivered my mulch and we talked about dogs for a bit (mine were mulching) and then I got to work. With ten yards of mulch, it's obvious my Jeep is incapable of going into the carport. The entire driveway was blocked by a large pile of mulch, after all. But... I moved six yards of the mulch all by myself just today! I doubt very much that I'll be able to move anything tomorrow -- mulch, my arms, my legs, etc. -- but there's now a wide path that allows me to walk the length of the driveway. Assuming I can move tomorrow, and I decide to move more mulch, I think I can get the Jeep back into the carport.

All that being said... Amy, you should be able to come over for sushi and wine in the backyard in the very near future!

P.S. (I guess it's a P.S. in a blog? It doesn't matter.) When the above picture was taken, I had only moved about a third of the mulch. I just knew I was going to be too tired to orchestrate a photo opportunity when I was done, so I took the picture two hours into the moving of mulch.



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