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White Brick Wall

Sound on Sound, Part One

I have a lot to say about what occurred during today’s music festival… but it is currently 11:08p.m. and I am lying beside Erin in a queen-sized bed in a Best Western in New Haven, Connecticut. Therefore, I am not going to go into detail about everything just now. I will touch on the bands, the venue, and the food tomorrow once I have returned home.

What’s important for you to know at the moment is that Erin potentially saved two lives today. Let me explain what happened in chronological order:

While watching Trampled by Turtles, a man suddenly passed out. People called for a medic and because Erin is essentially Meredith Grey (maybe more like Carol Hathaway since Erin is technically a nurse… but her skills are equivalent to Meredith Grey), she ran over to assist. It took forever for the concert medics to appear and while waiting for professional medics, Erin kept the unresponsive fellow alive.

Over an hour later, we were enjoying Caamp (everyone was staanding) and another person – this time a female – suddenly collapsed. Once again, people frantically waved their arms in the air and shouted for a medic. Fortunately, Erin was available and quickly rushed to her side. She knelt there for quite some time, performing medical magic until more help arrived.

Speaking of life-saving measures… Jody’s genius idea to create necklaces from pretzels and yarn proved to be invaluable (and potentially life-saving) since the lines to procure food stretched from Connecticut to Massachusetts. That particular issue will be addressed in tomorrow’s blog. However, thanks to Jody and Snyders of Hanover, we had dinner. It consisted of pretzels. And pickle chips in the car. (I didn’t actually eat any pickle chips because I was chewing gum, and then when we got to the hotel, I brushed my teeth.)

The end; I’m going to bed.



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