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Sticks & Stones & Words

I know the classic saying is "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."

Personally, I've never agreed with that statement. Words really mean a lot to me... and they can really hurt a lot if they come from someone who matters to me. But do you know what else they can do? They can just as easily boost a person sky high when they come from someone who matters!

I have a coworker named Rob whom I never call Rob. I call him by his last name, but I try to avoid using last names in my blogs, so for today, we shall refer to this coworker as Rob.

In addition to being a loyal coworker, Rob is a loyal friend, and he said something to me yesterday that I've thought of several times since.

Yesterday, I approached Rob in the hallway and said, "Rob! Did I tell you my news? Tracey Lange, who wrote We are the Brennans, which is a book I really love, wrote me back AND FOLLOWED ME on Instagram, and she said she'd read my book, and so I am going to send her a copy! Isn't that insanely exciting?"

And do you know what Rob said?

Rob said, "It's going to happen, Hannah."

Five very simple words... and they meant so very much. ❤️



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