Ten More Chapters!
This is gonna be a short one because I'm tired. This novella is comin' at me like BOOM-KAPOW. Seriously. I was up until 12:30a.m. writing about my characters. It's so intense! I wasn't exactly tired when I got into bed, but I knew I had to go to bed if I wanted to be on my A-game to write some more today.
I lay in bed for two hours, wide awake the whole time. I mapped out the next several chapters for the novella I'm currently writing (I came up with a title!) and then went ahead and wrote, like, five scenes for the book I want to write after this one. When I say I "wrote, like, five scenes," I mean that I did it in my head. I wrote it in the way that I wish my students would write. I went over all the scenes multiple times, considering the verbs I would use to describe the flapping of an unbuttoned shirt cuff in the wind... and then later decided that the character needed to be wearing a hoodie in that particular scene. When I "write" in my head, I legit write in my head. It's weird, I know, but it's what I do.
I was up for two additional hours writing the next book in my Bas, Bert, and Lucy series. You know me: I sometimes set a timer to wake up at 2:00a.m. so I can think about my book. But last night? Last night I was tired, folks. I got out of bed, took a sleeping pill, and eventually crashed.
Then I woke up and wrote all day! I mean, my friend Siri came over for an hour so her kids could meet Harvey... and I went to trivia (that's tomorrow's blog entry, FYI) around 6:30p.m.... but I ultimately wrote all day. Exercise-shmexercise. I don't have time for that right now. I've mapped it out and I have ten more chapters to write. I think I can maybe get it done by Sunday. Then I'm gonna copyright this baby so no weirdos try to take credit for my work. And then YOU are gonna have access to the chapters. Two per week; I'll edit and tweak as I post. I'm so excited to share it with you!
Okay. Trivia recap tomorrow, sleep for me right now, talk again at a later date. G'night!