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White Brick Wall

The Importance of Reviews

I feel confident that I've said this before, but today I'm writing a blog about it because it really is soooooo important.

"What's important?" you ask.

The answer: Reviews.

Allow me to give you an example. Here are my books:

Here are Sarah Addison Allen's (same genre, similar writing style) books:

Notice the difference in numbers of reviews? The more reviews, the more likely Amazon is to push a novel and the more likely others are to take a chance on it.

If you have read my stuff and liked it, the absolute KINDEST thing you can do for me is post a review on Goodreads, Amazon, and (now!) Audible. I get that many of you think it doesn't matter, and that it's a nuisance to do and that no one will read it, but the fact is, people do read reviews. And people do look to see if others are reading/listening to a particular novel. It's the bandwagon effect: "If others are doing it, I will too!"

I'm not asking for a five-star review every time.

I'm also not asking for paragraphs and paragraphs worth of text. A sentence or two is fine. Because... seriously? Reviews. They matter. And if you like me at all, I'd so appreciate it if you'd take two minutes and post a review for the books that you've read!

Thank you! ❤️



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