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White Brick Wall

The Mystery of the Carved Cabbage

If you read yesterday's blog,

You should be in the know

Of the cabbage-turnip debacle

That earned us no points. Zero.

"You can't carve a cabbage!" I claimed.

"It's leafy and would fall all to bits."

So imagine my massive confusion

When I came home to a carved cabbage, lit!

There it was on my doorstep,

A most peculiar thing.

Wrinkled and not very sturdy,

With a rather ghoulish grin.

The first thing I did was laugh.

The second? Send a text to my team:

"I admit that I now stand corrected

For a cabbage can be carved, it does seem."

"Hahahahaha I KNEW IT"

Came Alex's instant reply.

The others expressed their amusement

With laughter and blue thumbs-up signs.

Brock and Ben loved it. Darren did too.

Mary, Team Cabbage, sent a quick line:

"See! It can be done!" she eager claimed.

But no one owned up to the silly design.

Until later that night when the group got a text

From good ol' Victoria, with an admission:

She was the culprit; she carved the cabbage!

And I'm keeping that cabbage 'til its decomposition.



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