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White Brick Wall

Nicely bearded & nicely voiced

Don McCloskey is relatively new to me. Like Rayland Baxter, he’s another Instagram find, and though I haven’t listened to a ton of his stuff, the stuff I have listened to is catchy! In doing a bit of research about him, I’ve found that he’s from Philly. I’ve already told Phil that I’d like to see him in concert at some point; his live footage on YouTube makes me think he and his band put on a fun show.

Another thing about Don McCloskey that I personally find very appealing is his appearance. He’s cute! Not only does he have a beard, but he’s got a nice voice. I am such a voice person. If someone has a voice I don’t care for, I struggle to be in that person’s company. There have been times when my friends have introduced me to handsome, kind, available men with less-than-pleasing voices. Don McCloskey has a great voice, though! I wonder if he’s single…

Okay, so back to the music.

As I listen to Don McCloskey more and more, I have come to love the song “I IV V,” which appears on his most recent album The Chaos and the Beauty. There’s something about the lyrics and the melody that remind me of Paul Simon. I can’t find a live version to share, but I’m including the studio version of the song so you can give it a listen and maybe hear what I hear.

I’ll write a better blog about Don McCloskey once Phil and I have seen him in concert. Until then, just know that one of his songs (I’ll tell you which one in a later post) really meant a lot to me while I was writing The Way Back.



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