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Between now and the tangible release of The Way Back in its entirety, I’ve decided to periodically focus a blog entry on the bands that will appear on the novella’s playlist. If you’re looking for music recommendations, look no further because I’ve got some for you!

I discovered Caamp about a year ago when I was sitting on my friend Kristin’s patio, burning things in her fire pit. She’d invited her friend Randi, as well, and Randi was playing some music on her phone. This magical song came on – “Keep the Blues Away” – and I was like, “Who is this?”

You know how sometimes a song just hits you? Well, Caamp’s “Keep the Blues Away” just hit me and I fell instantly in love. Head-over-heels in love.

For a good month or so, Caamp was my shower band; I listened to them exclusively while getting clean in the mornings. I listened to them while not in the shower as well, but Caamp became the only band worth listening to in the shower. Some misheard lyrics in the song “Vagabond” actually inspired the title of my book Running Through the Words (which, coincidentally, I’m considering releasing as a serial novel in the upcoming months).

I’ve so far only had the privilege of seeing them in concert once, but that number will double on September 24 when some friends and I attend Sound on Sound in Connecticut! I’m super amped up for that experience: not only will Caamp, The Lumineers, and Trampled by Turtles be there, but it’s also a craft beer and wine festival! I’m gonna take a bunch of business cards and see if I can put some more blue dots on the map. 😉

You know how Dicky Barrett from The Mighty Mighty Bosstones sounds as though he’s been smoking since he was still in the womb? Well, although the lead singer of Caamp, Taylor Meier, isn’t quite that raspy, he does have a super cool register. From my limited experience, he sounds every bit as good live as he does on the band’s studio albums. I can also attest to the fact that he sounds better when standing. My concert husband Phil, his best friend Brock, and my dear friend Emily don’t know this because they refused to #staandforcaamp. I, however, stood. I will be standing at Sound on Sound as well… along with Jody and Erin.

Of all the bands on The Way Back’s playlist, Caamp has probably been the biggest inspiration. So many of the lyrics are poetic and beautiful. My favorite song, “All the Debts I Owe,” paints such a picture in my brain.

Actually, it’s more than a picture. It’s like… when I listen to that song, an entire story comes to life. The characters are full-fledged and the plot is complex. At some point, when I’m in between writing books or something, I might write a short story about it. Short stories aren’t really my thing, but sometimes I’m inclined to produce one. You never know!

Anyway, Caamp is actually featured on The Way Back’s playlist not once, but TWICE, and neither “Vagabond” nor “All the Debts I Owe” are the songs. You’ll have to stay tuned if you want to find out what they are.



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