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White Brick Wall

There's Much To Be Done With A Cabbage, Eh?

I like cabbage. In fact, I made up this great recipe one time that involves sauteing cabbage, shrimp, some olive oil, a bit of soy sauce, and a hearty helping of red pepper flakes. I go through phases where I make this a lot; I'm currently in a phase where I never make it. When my mom learned of this recipe, she wrinkled her nose and insisted that it sounded "weird and disgusting," but then she tried it one time and now she likes it.

Anyway. This blog is not about that recipe... (even though you now have it and are encouraged to give it a try). This blog is actually about the carving of cabbages.

Some of you may remember a trivia blog that appeared on my webpage back in October 2022. In said blog, found within the recap of the fourth round, one will learn that the Irish used to carve turnips for Halloween instead of pumpkins, and while I believed the answer to the question to be "turnip," my teammates on The Educated Friends opted for the answer of "cabbage." And that answer, my friends, was incorrect.

Flash forward to a blog published three days after the aforementioned trivia recap, which (poetically) recounts my surprise upon finding a carved cabbage on my doorstep when I returned home from work.

Now, with all that background sufficiently in place, I do believe that it's possible for you to understand and appreciate the enthusiasm I experienced upon arriving home from a bachelorette brunch earlier this afternoon only to find the following on my doorstep:

Victoria struck again! And although I took this picture while the sun was still shining, I think you'll be able to see that she did in fact provide a little battery-operated candle inside to illuminate his ghoulish expression. She's a gem of friend, folks, and her cabbage-carving skills improve each year! Maybe next year there will be a totem of cabbage jack-o-lanterns...



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