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Today's Mail!

Many many good things happened today, but the goodest of the good needs a blog of its own... so that's what I'm writing about.

I pulled into my driveway this afternoon and noticed a padded envelope poking out of my mailbox. It's true that I order things from Amazon all the time, but I haven't ordered anything recently, so I was quite stumped as to what I might be receiving. Needless to say, the curiosity resulted in me checking the mail immediately.

I could feel through the packaging that whatever was inside was a book. "Hmm..." I pondered. "Did I order something from Amazon?" Because sometimes, if one of my favorite authors is scheduled to release a new book, I will preorder it and forget that I've preordered it. When it arrives, I'm then very excited!

Actually, here's a side story about just that: Sarah Addison Allen had a new book come out this past summer, Other Birds, and I obviously preordered it because I love most of Sarah Addison Allen's books. I completely forgot about ordering that book though.

Another thing that I order from Amazon, and which arrives every however-many months, is this root killer stuff that I need to flush down the toilet to prevent my pipes from getting clogged. My dad tells me it's important, and he's usually right about this kind of thing, so I listen to him and have the root killer stuff arrive on a schedule. I assumed the box on my porch was the root killer stuff and set it on my kitchen counter, thinking I'd get to it eventually.

I forgot to get to it.

Then, weeks later, my mom was talking about how she got Other Birds from the library and asked if I had actually purchased the book because she thought I probably would. I was like, "You know what? I did purchase that book... but it never arrived."

Well folks, it had indeed arrived. In searching through my past Amazon orders, I realized the book had been delivered several weeks earlier -- as documented in the photograph, provided by Amazon, of the box sitting on my porch -- but I had neglected to 1) open the package and thus 2) learn that I had not, after all, received root killer stuff for the pipes.

Back to today's story...

The thing in the envelope was a book and guess what!!! The book was sent to me by MARISA DE LOS SANTOS! My VERY FAVORITE AUTHOR! And she WROTE A NOTE IN IT!

This is what the note says:

For Hannah -
With gratitude and with admiration for your writing! Shine on!

And then she signed it. 😊

Isn't that the coolest?!

She is seriously the coolest. You should read her books. Here's a link to buy them via Amazon: So Many Good Books!



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