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White Brick Wall

Trivia Recap: 1/18

The Players: Hannah, Mary, Siri, Marc, Brock, and Ben

Opening Category: Dr. Seuss Titles

Hint of the Day: Teacher

I would like to begin by saying a few wonderful things happened today.

  1. I had really a blast and a half with my period seven students. We analyzed data and laughed a lot and I was drunk on coffee so that made the experience especially wonderful.

  2. I found out that there is no need to set an alarm for tomorrow morning because school is already cancelled.

  3. I have all day tomorrow to write my book, which is on beyond phenomenal because I am almost finished with it. Five more chapters to go!

  4. Siri and Marc and Brock were all able to join us for trivia and I hadn't seen any of them for quite some time!

  5. I did a really fun thing when I got home from school and I was super tickled and excited about it. Allow me to explain said thing...

Ben and I have this pickle thing. He doesn't fully understand that we have it because he doesn't want to have it, but it's had and Ben is in denial. I even bought him a pickle sticker when I was in Jim Thorpe last year. He didn't seem to care.

As you may remember, Darren gave me some pickles for Christmas this year. The pickles are REALLY good. I actually ate one with my dinner last night and I'm legitimately running low on the good pickles because they are so good that I eat them often. But last week Darren didn't eat his pickle at Fourscore and he offered it to Ben and Ben didn't offer to share it, which is fine because I was full from my wings. But Darren's reason for offering it to Ben and not me was because I didn't share my Christmas pickles with him. But now let me explain to you how the Christmas pickles came to be in my posession...

  • I hosted an after-trivia party the Thursday before Christmas. Both Kristin and Ben came to my house after trivia. They drove and I walked. They got to my house before I did. Neither one of them thought to offer me a ride. [Insert eyeroll here.]

  • Kristin, Ben, and I had a drink.

  • Ben left.

  • Darren arrived.

  • Darren brought pickles.

  • Phil and Brock arrived.

  • Everyone talked.

  • Everyone left.

Last week, this is essentially how the conversation went when Darren gave Ben his pickle:

Darren: Here, Ben. You can have my pickle because Hannah didn't share her Christmas pickles with you.

Ben: Why didn't you share your Christmas pickles?

Hannah: Because I didn't have them when you were at my house.

Ben: But why?

Hannah: Because Darren gave them to me after you left.

Darren: I did give her Christmas pickles, though.

Ben: It stands to reason that if you had pickles, you should have offered one to me.

Hannah: But I didn't have them when you were at my house. They arrived after you left.

Ben: But you could have gotten them out of your refrigerator.

Hannah: I could have... but they weren't in my refrigerator because they arrived AFTER YOU LEFT.

Ben: But if they were in the refrigerator---

Hannah: They weren't.

Ben: Oh. I misunderstood.

So last week, after the above conversation, I told Ben I'd bring him a pickle. He told me not to. I did it anyway. I was really pleased with myself, too. Allow me to now document the gifting of Ben's Christmas pickle via pictures:

Do you know Ben's reaction to the above efforts? "Thanks, Hannah. I'm not gonna eat this."

So that put a definite damper on the night because now I'm down a really good pickle.

Round One:

A decent round. I know Mary and I kind of messed up with Panic at the Disco last week but we were on fire this week. Unfortunately, our fires got put out a time or two. Fortunately, we advocated for the fact that Mr. Feeny from Boy Meets World was a teacher before he was a principal because teacher was the clue of the day. We also had to talk our team into believing that Bullseye is the name of the Target dog because some members believed that his name was not Bullseye. But Mary and I know our dog breeds and were like, "Hello? He's a bull terrier... His name is Bullseye." Because it was.

Round Two:

This round was awful because the audio clue, which was our bonus category, was movie music. One may expect this to be fun, right? Wrong. Because the songs were songs that were buried deep inside Pixar films and they didn't have anything to do with the actual movies and after Adam played the songs, he then started playing screamo music that was AWFUL. I am talking awful as in I would have rather listened to Christmas music. Hell, I would have rather listened to stupid "Dominick the Donkey" a good three times. I would have rather listened to Nickelback. And Adam kept playing his stupid screamo music for the rest of the night and it was just atrocious. I hated every second of it. I wasn't in an especially bad mood until I started listening to screamo... and then I just got irritated. Fortunately, Marc was sitting across from me and he is very jolly and fun and he kept me upbeat.


Had the team listened to Mary, Marc, and me, we would have scored 20/20 on the halftime sheet, but half of the Educated Friends were reluctant to contemplate the fact that just maybe perhaps Russell Crowe was born in New Zealand and then moved to Australia. Oh, well. 19/20 is still decent.

(I was asking Marc about that Russian hockey player, Alexander Ovechkin, because I thought his picture was cute and then Ben and Brock tried to convince me that he's super intimidating and scary because I guess they don't want me to think he's cute. But he is cute, isn't he? At least in that picture. Marc says he probably only has about three teeth, though.)

Round Three:

This was actually a pretty good round. A lot of the time, the third round is very difficult and we don't do well, but Siri killed it with her knowledge of Disney World, Brock and Ben knew some stuff about Google, Ben pulled Jack Harlow out of thin air, Siri loves Hamilton and therefore knew In the Heights, and pretty much everyone knew Amy Schumer. We lost a bonus or two, but did alright overall.


Fortunately, we waited for the four-point clue because that was the ticket we needed to figure out San Antonio is really good at basketball.

Round Four:

For the most part, this was a terrible horrible no good very bad round because planets? No thank you. But Marc did know that Kent State's mascot is the Golden Flash and he said it (the first time) with this smug assuredness that was absolutely priceless. And then that confidence wore off and he started second guessing himself but we still went with his first statement and it was right so we got the bonus.


Going into the final question, we were in third place. And then the final question was stupid and we had to have Adam legitimately spell part of the question because a lot of teams couldn't understand what he was saying and I still don't really understand what the question was other than that the name of a drink owned by CocaCola can be translated to "Little Mole." And we got it wrong and didn't place.

Congratulations to el Duderino who came in first and chose The Legend of Zelda as next week's opening category.

PS Sorry if there are mistakes in this, Mom. I didn't proofread it because I didn't feel like writing it in the first place. I've got a novel to finish!



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