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Trivia Recap: 1/26

The Players: Ben (not a dog groomer), Darren (math professor), Alex (journalist), Ashley (works for Geisinger), Hannah (English teacher), Mary (English teacher), Danielle (bartender)

Hint of the Day: Iron

Opening Category: Waffle House (check out our text thread from this week... that Darren is a funny guy!)

Before Trivia Started:

No one showed up! Adam, our regular DJ, was on vacation this week, and Fourscore recently changed the start time of trivia from 7:00 to 6:15, so the guy who was filling in for Adam (his name was Andrew), didn't realize he was supposed to be there before 6:00. We started to worry that maybe trivia wasn't going to happen... but then it happened and (spoiler alert) we won!

Round One:

Fittingly, the answer to the opening category was "hashbrowns," which was exactly what Darren was referencing in his text on Wednesday. Because we all knew the capital of Michigan, US States proved to be pretty easy, but it was Ben and Darren who knew the bonus. Then we had Science & TV. The question was about a short-term medical condition that the character of Eleven exhibits in Stranger Things. A lot of the team members were thinking "amnesia," but I suggested "nosebleeds." Ben didn't hear me at first, but I'm soooo thankful he eventually did hear me (I said it a few times because I was not sold on the amnesia answer) because then he said in regards to nosebleeds, "I kind of like that..." It was right. We also did fine with Actors and Their Roles and A Poetic One, even though we didn't know the names of the baseball players who were on bases in "Casey at the Bat."

Round Two:

Our honorary member Danielle saved us on the audio question. Several people knew Hall & Oates, Ashley knew Tegan & Sara, but it was Danielle who came over and let us know the final artist was Tones & I. Lifesaver! We got the two-point bonus as a result! Books About Food was easy, and Olympic Cities wasn't too bad either. All of us knew "Salt Lake City" was one of the answers, but it was Ashley who came up with "Calgary" for the two-point bonus. First Word/Last Word was HARD. I forget how the clue was worded, but we only got the first half ("Miley Cyrus") because none of us remembered that Cyrus the Virus was a character in ConAir. TV Networks was fine; Ben got UPN and the bonus, Griffin, and that was a good thing.

Halftime Sheet:

We aced this. Mary and I really know our crackers (we didn't even need the word bank to identify the different pictures), but we had a tough time on the bottom. Fortunately, everyone else knew a lot of things about "double" (which was a word used in every answer).

Round Three:

Because Darren is a math genius, we chose Time for Math Class! as our bonus category. Not only did we get it right, but we got the bonus and recorded our answers ("mean, medium, mode") in the same order as the DJ! This didn't matter at all, but it made us feel smart. Unfortunately, we did not get Inventors. My gut told me that the answer was "Schick" and not "Gillette," but we went with Gillette and lost three points. We also missed the two-point bonus on 3 Clues/1 Country because we played it safe, but we did get the answer so that was alright. And then we earned seven points for our knowledge of Pulp Fiction. (I missed this question because I ran to the bathroom.) And then Rock Band Origins was fine. I was wishing Phil was there because the answer was Nine Inch Nails and we needed to know one of the band's albums as a bonus and NIN is Biz's favorite band. (Biz is Phil's wife.) Phil wasn't there, though, because it was his mom's birthday.

6 - 4 - 2:

We got this for four points. The question had something to do with blood and pumping hearts and Ben was adamant that it was a big animal. He kept pumping his hands across the table, really emphasizing how the heart would be pumping, and then Mary knew some cartoon animal that's a giraffe and that was the answer and Ben was like, "See? Big animal."

Round Four:

Do You Remember This? required us to remember "Balloon Boy." Unfortunately, we did not remember "Larry King Live." Mary and I were amped for Gilmore Girls Hodgepodge, though, and got the answer right away! It was "The Bangles." Remember when Rory and Loralai saw them in concert? We did. 🙂 Here's an amazing thing: for Athletic Nicknames (with a theme), we needed to identify the superhero nicknames of three athletes. I don't remember any of the athletes, but the answers were "Ironman, Superman, and Flash." Yours truly figured out Superman. Superman was, after all, one of my three original crushes. As a child I sort of fell in love with Superman (that curl on his forehead was beautiful), Abraham Lincoln (his height and his beard!), and Elvis (when he was young and wiggling that pelvis all over the place!). Darren got the Mythology question ("Amazons") and I think it was Ashley (but possibly Alex) who got "Satay" for Worldly Foods.

Final Round:

The category was TV Sitcoms and the answer was "Everybody Loves Raymond." Ben knew it. Yay, Ben! We ended up winning and chose the category of Types of Mustaches for next week. I've invited my friend Wes to join us, since he has a mustache, but he needs to check with his wife to find out if he's available. Also, next Thursday is Wes's favorite holiday (Groundhog Day), so he may be celebrating by watching some Bill Murray. We'll see!



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